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Tuscalaural available now

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“The sheer amount of invention, punning, ironizing, and convoluted craziness is enough to impress any reader, but underlying it all, is a generous appreciation for humanity in all its richness and quirkiness.”

-Francesca Pennisi Cuddeback, PhD
Yale University


Tuscalaural is a town not on the map populated by quirky personalities who confer, confront, and confuse each other.

The discovery of the Lavandula Spica plant on Delbert Dell’s farm encouraged all breed of snakes to huddle close to this shrub (not to be confused with schlub of which nobody wants to huddle close with). Research by the Botany Department of Tuscalaural College determined that Lavandula Spica has aphrodisiac markers and a prosperous town was the outcome.

Can you imagine a town where poverty and homelessness no longer existed?